
The waiting weight balanced with horizon onsetting countered by the limits presented within decisions sorted out through inconsistent constant movements indicating the predominance of intention over will made even more obvious via bludgeoning structures.

Patterns in progression flattened out with finesse while the generated noise is only used to distract an attention otherwise predisposed to the evidence of the transitory conditions altering impermanence or the vacuity in using fixed points to fill self.

The ability to simply be has become quite a luxury at once elusive as it is determined by specificity or rather as stated elsewhere not ever being other at least as perceived which ends up meaning at all because setting a self aside justifies exceptions.

At best temporality signals the worth of gratitude given for the acknowledgment of a unique existence among all and everyone without it being each other insisting on the distinctions keeping us all apart notwithstanding the dynamic fastening us together.

Senses have to separate from varied preconceptions in order to disengage from the more viscous cycles built around and over otherwise free flowing paths worn and shed as a result of an irregular interest regarding the perpetuation of a fluctuating value.

What do options represent when they are contracted to unequivocal positions meant to hegemonize roles reinforcing a reiteration that requires stagnation so that the schematics develop into an expectation wherein trauma is at once identity and so reacted.


Adjustments meant just to add a value specificity, wherein traits inherent to a space become variable instead of varied aspects of recalled experiences, rerouted damage remnants represented as spectacles , shuffled memories, expected also to be displayed as evidence of acquiescence to programmed offenses (salvaged from concentration, yet not conflation), so that the veneer substitutes an inner reflection , which in turn transforms a gaze into projection, the huddled in moments, leading to the expectation of all manners by which consequences are neglected and transposed, onto a constancy of plodding ahead , through the intricacy of the narrowest of paths, so moving to cover basic needs becomes cumbersome, some sort of competition, based on perceived merit accrued according to a lack of specific qualities, as if a negative to being can add up to some worth discernible beyond considerations akin to likeness , or ever differentiated from all the tug and flow required to sustain the complexity of not to know, for it takes more than accumulation to really grow enough to stop rationalization for above and below while the levels tend to be flattened in a clutter by all appearances meant to presuppose a precipice , mostly because the signifiers tend not to budge, at best circumvented or at worst becoming identity , atomized, itemized, set apart in some permanence merely indicated as a way but actually only deters any effort serving to navigate through realization of the haphazardous outcomes of averting pitfalls, the characteristics tending to loop in characters.


[The positions are tempered, pressed over, timed.]

[While watching, lines of sight are, only slight.]

[Once as a confluence of segments, not congruent.]

[It was a while before the fragments would align.]

[Patience wanes, but not for want of maintenance.]

[The belated bled over into the lately delivered.]

[Usually more than tends to cause unease, lately.]

[Because the rifts are moreso apparent than seen.]

[Questions come, abound, but all so cluttered up.]

[A temptation for to slither through the slivers.]

[The artifice rests easily on assumptions, right?]

[Owing mostly to bottom lines, based on the rest.]

[Whereas normality slides easily off expectation.]

[Currently catching up but, not so effectively...]

[...specifically, when the motions fail to emote.]

[With the carry on, the loads become the burdens.]

[Then the transit becomes bypassing the barriers.]

[Otherwise serving as a shield, against severity.]

[Is it only palpable if the pressure drives down?]

[Escape routes seem to emphasize loner movements.]

[Focus on the more common aspects of the passage.]

[The constant tug can tune out the overall flows.]

[Along with subtle reminders about ups and downs.]

[Wherefore has ceased to be a where, or what for?]

[Accept the urge to forego all the too far ahead.]

[Because the array can envelop and not constrain.]

[As long as focus remains on we, and not just me.]

[So, it can only help if the messages stay clear.]

[And again, not the cavernous communication scam.]

[That tension between turbulence and possibility.]

[September 1-30, 2022]

Destinations detached from any notions of destiny, where arrivals become departures, so intermingled, evidenced especially with overlapped expectations.

If the point of viewing leans too much on the site , then a countered balance invites more proximity.

Or a wait, the weight of disengagement, continuing along patterns set and so recall motions, repeated enough to shift to innocuity though not unnoticed, because sightings, even sideways, indicate intent.

And yet, clarity is not a requisite for the search when the possibilities are many, as points of view can suggest transiting as a means of comprehending how a wider view can bespeak the worth of variance , all that potential in noting distinguishability.

The traceability of touch might cause some tension because ephemeral tends to be a more natural state than, say, seeking out some causation in disorder, when even an approximation almost dissipates logic while the consistency of curiosity could confound, if only repetition would show without distraction.

So discerning the filters through which perception strains to segmentalize hasty aspects of existence bends, stretches, twists, all wound up sentiments.

Inviting healthy, yet omitted doses of rumination.

When distribution dismembers, producing detachment , a lightness helps to navigate, through darkness.

Where thoughts flow best, amidst a flurried motion withstood most suitably with distilled viewpoints.

That and acknowledging the futility of exclusivity , as can be seen clearly despite mixed signalling, the hurry in the gait blurs the worry in the wait.


The task required wandering around but with intent in order to capture moments along with specificity while also allowing the views to wonder about time pressing against its own limitations within a span describing rather than defining conditional habits echoing expectations that truly tether impressions especially during the occasions between localities when attention is either disarranged or enthralled accordingly as light pushing out in longer shadows giving way to movement with exaggerated contrasts.

Whereas wonder should always linger about normalcy because when is circumstance dependent on a reason as plain or solid as any actions carried on or out simply to situate an existence to a fixed location when any movement can induce spontaneous reactions where improvisation can even seem to be consistent while considering transitory interactions fixtures refusing to acknowledge any futility in refinement highlighted by the elegance requisite to restraint unmistakably on view with the simplest of stances.

So reel in the details as testament to the evident among the varied purposes determined by situations moving in conditions delineated by functionalities expressed by gestures eluding clarity deliberately refracted subsequently with a focus on distraction readily available via allusions about desirability mediated most tellingly through layers of barriers as compelling as a manner suggesting starting over yet never failing to reveal the limits to movement or the price to pay for settling on comfort alone.

Offered up to appreciate the fruit of past effort.


As if doubts persisted about a very shared destiny beholden to any structures solidified so willfully or laid out as testimony as to their temporariness undulating along the pathways made as new as steps tamed adamantly by a progression of monoculturing.

Tampering therefore may be the most obvious option hampering the accumulated opportunities to coexist effectively so as to revoke all of the exemptions.

Clearly enough the clustering inspirits uniformity oriented towards providing a flow of consumability necessarily attuned to an aplenty scarcity dynamic guaranteed to reinforce a specificity named choice routinely redefined with some common places matter undermined ever fortunately with a spontaneous joy intercepted by a predominance of downward glancing transferring authority to mechanisms imposing self yielded repeatedly in order to flatten out angles.

Off course is where any wonderment becomes a habit fluctuating around its purpose and its impression.

Still and yet moving without impediments or doubts ingrained via premises effected out of physicality nourished amply with arrays of comfortable notions garnished with steady doses of expected motivation understood as the confrontation with any curiosity left over from the reiterated or default sceneries adhering tight positions despite constant movement reflected as it could be with fairer possibilities instigated by a mere contemplation of corporeality temporalized with hefty and yet ephemeral criteria yearning within the juncture to learn to readjust.


Motivations abound yet declamations are yieldless.

Cacophonous naturalization densifies catastrophes.

Causes are redundantly metastasizing emphatically.

Reclaiming ambiance makes belaboring laughs aloud.

Hold over spaces piling into taken away locations.

Sudden anticipation necessitates tight situations.

Luxury lessens even ideal distribution activities.

Also given upwards solipsistically times infinity.

Surrounded adversely notwithstanding tense pauses.

Segmentation exemplifies gumption under influence.

Oldest lesser egression guiles use erasion routes.

Severed analogies need time paused acutely usward.

Hospitable spaciousness itinerated altruistically.

Colliding around beforehand residue exempt scenes.

Circumstances allocated longstanding languishment.

Sanation tardiness catalyzes tersest risk naivete.

Delineated elastically like mined artifice relays.

Definitively effected limits might also retaliate.

Liveability as random as moving by lounging about.

Sample anonymity notions turned past augment uses.

Candidly arrhythmic remaining memory echolocation.

Denial encompasses rogue option ignominy gestures.

Homebound specificity iteration allusively etched.

Role ordered by alarming data onrush rate systems.

Docked torsion aims guided additionally erstwhile.

Especially altered terrains extenuated reversibly.

Ramification ambivalence must be largely artifice.

Joy or another name safe as less excess samplings.

Lateral rationality multiplicates blander aspects.

Pored over retelling travails exiting like lapses.

Justly or nicely queries eroded everyday sympathy.


The details mean to suggest, until they overwhelm, leading even the subtlest thoughts into disarray, a result mostly expected, revealing added textures evident inasmuch as attention is doled accordingly upon the aspects needing exaggerated conservation.

For, if the goal is to be constantly refurbishing, the signals are clearly meant to be so surpassable that the moments to hide can be easily identified, and the spaces visibly claimed, ever in perpetuity including the displacement not only over anywhere.

But passages can only be as unencumbered as a mind set upon plateaus equipped with physical wantings, ornamented without a doubt as to any recollection, because the memories serve to reflect worn habits, along with all the subjects, so readily available.

A point of the view might be to include the regard afforded to the perception of furthest as nearest, wherein the enclosures might turn around to gather passers by expressing the possibility of inclusion instead of displays of opulence made unaffordable.

To peel away all those layers inherited, enforced, requires perhaps a reckoning, naming the detritus, whereas the movements spurned by material renewals focus on a progression only of established growth, or at least that which reinforces its continuance.

But there is always a place for a reconfiguration, if, set about with adequate consideration and time along with the patience to allow for contemplation and necessarily a recognition of its malleability, there can also be opportunities to evade futility.


The result seems to indicate the cumulative effect as the predominant consideration retained by minds too segmented to pause enough to reflect with some inkling of thinking within the patterns of reasons always suggested rather than displayed in clarity.

To enter willingly for example into places leveled only on planes limited to words but not intentions when these are ultimately uncovered by the actions enacted so consciously so as to roll over rational thoughts but because of repetition end up as norm.

So that overlap is the most conspicuously constant attribute never even observed with some curiosity, and subsequently hardly ever named or undeciphered thusly acquiring a sheen approximating immobility, still in order to seem as if naturally determined.

And yet, or even so acceptive of a most basic lie, carried very physically from one life to the next, which in the process permeates every ensuant step, all interactions subjected to distinguishing rules as subtle as eliciting outrage from any indignity.

Where is possibility except in purposeful shedding once the rationale fails to lead, benefiting fewer in favor of sections defined by superficial traits serving to promote confusion, difference as threat instead of distinctions exposing unique qualities.

Which is to say that the ruckus is on a continuum, for when can any lucidity hope to shine on its own without, for instance, a so necessary counterpoint to bolster or dishevel the purported postulations, that, when handled with civility can surely edify. Or even more plainly: question, but proffer it up.


Gathering again, a gain in the tethering, tearing, leaning on the learning, as a result of an overlap otherwise known as any wise observance by an other only considered as such when without consideration of benefits attained with attention to coincidence or, more specifically, acknowledging small details as ornamental rather than defining characteristics on display, as long as eyes can capture, the light then reflected or absorbed, angled off or accepted according to no concordance of sensation and logic seldom queried, abandoned to any random perception including to the point of exclusivity rote motives made apparent with clarity, defined by the shadows carved into substance, or suggested, by cognition?

Accompaniment as a manner of compartmentalization, a contrasted core may only contract any accordance if the purpose supposes a regular differentiation, based on a mutable array of mostly surface aspects serving no other function but to push a compulsion replicating some bygone, yet limitless determinant ever available over any other untried possibility, and offering, as if it were choice, no real option discernible, except to say that it forces identity as a means to distinguish or emphasize a crossroad seemingly capacitated with some guiding principles shrouding the attempt or the effect of atomization slivered between foregone conclusions and choices, so does all the traipsing serve or make a purpose?
