
As if doubts persisted about a very shared destiny beholden to any structures solidified so willfully or laid out as testimony as to their temporariness undulating along the pathways made as new as steps tamed adamantly by a progression of monoculturing.

Tampering therefore may be the most obvious option hampering the accumulated opportunities to coexist effectively so as to revoke all of the exemptions.

Clearly enough the clustering inspirits uniformity oriented towards providing a flow of consumability necessarily attuned to an aplenty scarcity dynamic guaranteed to reinforce a specificity named choice routinely redefined with some common places matter undermined ever fortunately with a spontaneous joy intercepted by a predominance of downward glancing transferring authority to mechanisms imposing self yielded repeatedly in order to flatten out angles.

Off course is where any wonderment becomes a habit fluctuating around its purpose and its impression.

Still and yet moving without impediments or doubts ingrained via premises effected out of physicality nourished amply with arrays of comfortable notions garnished with steady doses of expected motivation understood as the confrontation with any curiosity left over from the reiterated or default sceneries adhering tight positions despite constant movement reflected as it could be with fairer possibilities instigated by a mere contemplation of corporeality temporalized with hefty and yet ephemeral criteria yearning within the juncture to learn to readjust.


Motivations abound yet declamations are yieldless.

Cacophonous naturalization densifies catastrophes.

Causes are redundantly metastasizing emphatically.

Reclaiming ambiance makes belaboring laughs aloud.

Hold over spaces piling into taken away locations.

Sudden anticipation necessitates tight situations.

Luxury lessens even ideal distribution activities.

Also given upwards solipsistically times infinity.

Surrounded adversely notwithstanding tense pauses.

Segmentation exemplifies gumption under influence.

Oldest lesser egression guiles use erasion routes.

Severed analogies need time paused acutely usward.

Hospitable spaciousness itinerated altruistically.

Colliding around beforehand residue exempt scenes.

Circumstances allocated longstanding languishment.

Sanation tardiness catalyzes tersest risk naivete.

Delineated elastically like mined artifice relays.

Definitively effected limits might also retaliate.

Liveability as random as moving by lounging about.

Sample anonymity notions turned past augment uses.

Candidly arrhythmic remaining memory echolocation.

Denial encompasses rogue option ignominy gestures.

Homebound specificity iteration allusively etched.

Role ordered by alarming data onrush rate systems.

Docked torsion aims guided additionally erstwhile.

Especially altered terrains extenuated reversibly.

Ramification ambivalence must be largely artifice.

Joy or another name safe as less excess samplings.

Lateral rationality multiplicates blander aspects.

Pored over retelling travails exiting like lapses.

Justly or nicely queries eroded everyday sympathy.


The details mean to suggest, until they overwhelm, leading even the subtlest thoughts into disarray, a result mostly expected, revealing added textures evident inasmuch as attention is doled accordingly upon the aspects needing exaggerated conservation.

For, if the goal is to be constantly refurbishing, the signals are clearly meant to be so surpassable that the moments to hide can be easily identified, and the spaces visibly claimed, ever in perpetuity including the displacement not only over anywhere.

But passages can only be as unencumbered as a mind set upon plateaus equipped with physical wantings, ornamented without a doubt as to any recollection, because the memories serve to reflect worn habits, along with all the subjects, so readily available.

A point of the view might be to include the regard afforded to the perception of furthest as nearest, wherein the enclosures might turn around to gather passers by expressing the possibility of inclusion instead of displays of opulence made unaffordable.

To peel away all those layers inherited, enforced, requires perhaps a reckoning, naming the detritus, whereas the movements spurned by material renewals focus on a progression only of established growth, or at least that which reinforces its continuance.

But there is always a place for a reconfiguration, if, set about with adequate consideration and time along with the patience to allow for contemplation and necessarily a recognition of its malleability, there can also be opportunities to evade futility.


The result seems to indicate the cumulative effect as the predominant consideration retained by minds too segmented to pause enough to reflect with some inkling of thinking within the patterns of reasons always suggested rather than displayed in clarity.

To enter willingly for example into places leveled only on planes limited to words but not intentions when these are ultimately uncovered by the actions enacted so consciously so as to roll over rational thoughts but because of repetition end up as norm.

So that overlap is the most conspicuously constant attribute never even observed with some curiosity, and subsequently hardly ever named or undeciphered thusly acquiring a sheen approximating immobility, still in order to seem as if naturally determined.

And yet, or even so acceptive of a most basic lie, carried very physically from one life to the next, which in the process permeates every ensuant step, all interactions subjected to distinguishing rules as subtle as eliciting outrage from any indignity.

Where is possibility except in purposeful shedding once the rationale fails to lead, benefiting fewer in favor of sections defined by superficial traits serving to promote confusion, difference as threat instead of distinctions exposing unique qualities.

Which is to say that the ruckus is on a continuum, for when can any lucidity hope to shine on its own without, for instance, a so necessary counterpoint to bolster or dishevel the purported postulations, that, when handled with civility can surely edify. Or even more plainly: question, but proffer it up.


Gathering again, a gain in the tethering, tearing, leaning on the learning, as a result of an overlap otherwise known as any wise observance by an other only considered as such when without consideration of benefits attained with attention to coincidence or, more specifically, acknowledging small details as ornamental rather than defining characteristics on display, as long as eyes can capture, the light then reflected or absorbed, angled off or accepted according to no concordance of sensation and logic seldom queried, abandoned to any random perception including to the point of exclusivity rote motives made apparent with clarity, defined by the shadows carved into substance, or suggested, by cognition?

Accompaniment as a manner of compartmentalization, a contrasted core may only contract any accordance if the purpose supposes a regular differentiation, based on a mutable array of mostly surface aspects serving no other function but to push a compulsion replicating some bygone, yet limitless determinant ever available over any other untried possibility, and offering, as if it were choice, no real option discernible, except to say that it forces identity as a means to distinguish or emphasize a crossroad seemingly capacitated with some guiding principles shrouding the attempt or the effect of atomization slivered between foregone conclusions and choices, so does all the traipsing serve or make a purpose?


The walk through can include blurring the confines suggested by the erosion of matter against itself, or wondering at any result obtained by overlapping a moment paused, echoed over through contemplation and recognition of the physical limits in pathways carved out with no direct memory of any direction, or purpose apparent, discernible, yet identifiable mostly as a mirror, fogged, by excessive proximity because the effort tends to be retracing patterns, tempered by transit, that invitation to wonderment activated also with an attention to displacements, yet ever wary since opportunity requires advantage dependent more on position, that unequal balancing on a lever, the switch and bait, it is not a scale generating shares that are equal only in segments, so that rush to acquire even seems individualized, a feat never accomplished without some compulsion, the energy gathered from the instinctual gathering rerouted, odd, when barriers become so acceptable, placated or even tamable when a function coincides especially with ephemeral and yet solid interests, the transitory emphasized over the trip, a journey comprised of a series of sifting and sorting steps assembling, but merely to rationalize dissociation not so much occasioned as surrendered to evidence, the impediments disguised as some useful structure sustaining the view of a highly reflective reality blending any perspective into a constant cacophony spread out freely within a strict, stiff framework leading yet not guiding, a stray array of circuits patched together, to sustain, in order to contain.


There is never enough for all if all is just a few cutting through the contrasts with the dull edges, blunt instruments, scribbles that pretend to emote while behavior becomes habits no longer debatable, made all the more evident, because of no discourse other than leading astray with that sentimentality that tends to emphasize the top down push of tiers delivered with an emphasis on a superficial veneer effective enough to benefit from the gaps between, an allotment of slots, shuffled to resemble choice or options, revealing mostly gaps in the passersby as the efforts to congregate are conditioned, bent to shape, to shift, or direct the flow of movement along paths predetermined to sustain, all the same sensations, comforts made attainable by uniformity propelled onward into a fixed arc, but not beyond, queued up with all the rest for that, all the rest being never a natural progression, so ably impeded and touted as only an option, meaning the only one eligible to be aligned with or invited to pass up, but certainly offered as an exclusive opportunity, readily available, upon acceptance of uneven terms laid out plainly and propagated by simple gestures requiring complicity while never seeming implicit, while the fewest of exceptions never make the rule a tendency to pause and seek a lightness clarifies the transitions, or harsher traits, of opportunity ever leaning on the where for explaining wherefore whereas a more honest assessment points to access, the who gets to play facilitating who gets the pay as if options are possible only within some limit.


Some habits, the oldest, are not often the boldest options, if chosen, or not, tend to tighten a knot designed to strap, to bind enough to make us blind to any other possible way beyond the obvious sway, so the path to take, alone, is not so neatly shown or revealed so plainly because wondering is mainly a feat reserved to youth, like relaying some truth or wanting to ask again, again in order to explain reasons for the questions which allow suggestions, in order to reorder thinking, whilst still linking the steps in a sequence that echo like a frequence meant to recover the ease in preventing the unease that tends to come about when one makes do without gestures that lean toward kindness without reward, instead of the normality, that needs not formality to carry on through days, insisting on harder ways adopted haphazardly, in haste, so carefully spaced and laid out in strides, yet hurrying always hides the lack of actual planning, a tradition, spanning the gamut of predictability, reducing all mobility along a flattened plane while emphasizing the pain inherent, in due course, of withstanding the force by replacing any travel with efforts that unravel, to a point where thought is available to be bought instead of being found, discovered, carried around and opened up with talking, even with some walking through time, with curiosity, supplanting velocity with attention, an intent focused on what is meant plus the capacity to tell if a reality is parallel by using any other sense that circumvents offense.


Wherein we tend to trust that us versus the tried.

In what order is it possible to shake off, others?

Limits seem to encourage urgency, ever held still.

Loosening the grip, then, slowens enough to allow?

Entrenchment certainly strengthens, only weakness.

Needless leads to lessened strain, only confusion?

Ostensibly, access to excess requires apt facades.

Understanding the excuses then implies validation?

Guarantees still presuppose a sharing disposition.

Having or not can include all, except restitution?

Treading traces only erase paths, that go, beyond.

Once is, yet again, subject to fateful repetition?

Engaged, as much in expectation as in fulfillment.

Needs, developed according to each desire ability?

Gestures, at least, are effortless, mostly shared.

Entwining, by default, or in order to intermingle?

Needled or led, distinctions made by distractions.

Decisions are subjugated by excisions, to choices?

Expect the exceptions, when relying on exemptions.

Ready to listen abjectly, or only to alike voices?

Besides the wonts foreseen, an aptitude to devise.

Eventual dependence facilitates longer acceptance?

Linger on false equivalencies, like worth and due.

Inherent or inherited, the urge to atomize, label?

Emphasize the least consequential, but constantly.

Finished wondering about everything, but how much?

Against is as effective as that which can be gone.

Going already, or is it a habit of indecisiveness?

Aside from the rest, as if it ensures assuredness.

Indebted, ultimately, in order to sustain beliefs?

Necessarily inclined to relay causes to posterity.

[October 01-31, 2021]

So the focus, once again, returns to a yearn point in time, in truth, arbitrary, but conveniently so, necessarily learned, and put to use with interest, ceded accordingly for a purpose considered noblest especially for minds honed in on only preservation reserved as is artificially natural, on only a few instances, identifiable, but aleatory, so studied, tinkered to the point that the drive becomes worn, yielding expected results without any explication.

Courses exhausted, tried routes, limited recourses obviated so any logic is twisted into a tiny knot; uttering any possibility other than that tightness leads to scenarios involving obtuse comprehension, derived, moreso than generated, from a limited we.

Because of strained economies, caused and affected essentially for effect, but actually meant to harm collectively, but not entirely, selection is a key objective, as stated above and below, as subjected myriad segments would tend to agree if so informed effectively, but wishes tend to be wistful, whims.

Enhanced experiences, if even at all within reach, need first the means, in order to withstand a base tenet, whereas no principles can but produce none, instead of applying a pressure not to squeeze out, restoring not the retried or untrue; leave comfort extenuated, so then opportunities suddenly abound, least surely lightens the load, lessens the clench yoked around a will, tensing the sight to dimness.

Situations have to be acknowledged as accumulation obduration, or, simply, surely reversible, habits.
