Not exactly oblivious, yet attentive only aloofly, as it can even be, naturally, considered displaced inasmuch as layers tend to indicate a permeability intrinsic to the effort in aspiring to permanence, much like stepping over some ever familiar terrain in patterns that tend to end up like vain matters, either marking possible steps within a specificity or cluttering the shared paths with arbitrariness, an excess that demonstrates its very own absurdity in the lack of balance between wanting and needing or how either aspiration is beholden to a solidity nonetheless obedient, to the elements of illusions framing only the reflection of our own limitations up against or when amongst a teeming reactive flow favoring pauses meant to highlight spaces, silence interspersed within the gapes made by trajectories sectionalized in order to establish that diversity understood as fixed states, versus evolving traits nevertheless emanated from a base, flexible enough to sort through the myriad fabrications, so ornate in the details, drawn over defining circumstances, wherein clarity is sifted through sharp contrasts, the transitions blur certainty, into possibilities framed as passageways, just beyond narrow openings led from physicality through thoughts, so situated that even light and shade gets stuck in imitations carried, and yet varied, repetition can even shift if faced with contradictory, or antagonistic views coexisting or simultaneously conveyed, constantly, stretching out perspectives, but toward distortion of even perception, creating a codified cacophony.
