Adjustments meant just to add a value specificity, wherein traits inherent to a space become variable instead of varied aspects of recalled experiences, rerouted damage remnants represented as spectacles , shuffled memories, expected also to be displayed as evidence of acquiescence to programmed offenses (salvaged from concentration, yet not conflation), so that the veneer substitutes an inner reflection , which in turn transforms a gaze into projection, the huddled in moments, leading to the expectation of all manners by which consequences are neglected and transposed, onto a constancy of plodding ahead , through the intricacy of the narrowest of paths, so moving to cover basic needs becomes cumbersome, some sort of competition, based on perceived merit accrued according to a lack of specific qualities, as if a negative to being can add up to some worth discernible beyond considerations akin to likeness , or ever differentiated from all the tug and flow required to sustain the complexity of not to know, for it takes more than accumulation to really grow enough to stop rationalization for above and below while the levels tend to be flattened in a clutter by all appearances meant to presuppose a precipice , mostly because the signifiers tend not to budge, at best circumvented or at worst becoming identity , atomized, itemized, set apart in some permanence merely indicated as a way but actually only deters any effort serving to navigate through realization of the haphazardous outcomes of averting pitfalls, the characteristics tending to loop in characters.