
Are the steps or the terrain those uneven elements the aspects used to lock in the determinate spaces otherwise arbitrarily placed in some twist or turn only to return to ultimately incidental situations nonetheless produced and nevertheless collapsible.

A question could always be there about possibility implicit in the varied use of permanent structures resisting or shifting in honor of their deficiency while fluctuations uncover a more honest depiction tending to lean into more spontaneous expressions.

Swing wide enough to interpret the melee sceneries sorted out between habitual behavior and novelties lingered from an excess of unconscious familiarity not necessarily compelled to flesh out a spectacle despite presumptions suggested by an outward form.

Or wonder when keeping apace and scuttling through volumes and layers of efficiency suddenly reversed in order to replace materiality with shadow guises condensed or obfuscated to recover standard biases to reach a consensus based on excess accumulation.

Fitting into as opposed to simply assumed as being able to navigate passages without exact directions indicating some where instead of emphasizing a why surmised when the what is observed by who asks how do we manage to make a difference be a daily feat.

Best to get to the together whether it will wither or remain as an interrelation promptly reassembled with an optional but needed opportunity to rectify rather than plodding on like an automated reaction carried out as an ongoing effort at fragmentation.


A boisterous commission / denotes effortless folly gravitating headlong into / joint kinetic lounging mostly nearby occasionally / per quota requirement steadily invariable when / extra enjoyment buzzes.

Cordial stance rehearsal / desires seemingly ideal led inconclusively aside / through willing nuances suspended via fixtures / surreptitious yet obvious intents as inactivities / gatherings by garnishing the simpler devices / collecting easiest reactions along familiar terrain / reinforcing old habitats.

Seek placid surroundings / for recovering thoughts leaning into wonderment / allowing that likeliness amidst wilder depictions / ordering up turbulence.

Abundant options serve / but uncommonly propitiate overflowing daily rites / cascading into absurdity turning unique moments / around towards repetition resulting in accumulation / defying also lucidity.

Is retreating preferable / when others deteriorate headlong per procedures / comfortable as customary wherein reprieves abide / simply by corresponding.

Travels recover distance / accompanied with praxis moving about knowingly / learning newer topography so intersections distinguish / not affix qualities arrived by happenstance / fastened in perpetuities surviving by insistence / relegated to homogeneity resisted quite daily / simply shifting localities.

Onslaught of senseless / abdication to consumerism offset without implication / excepting for oneself while encompassed constantly / ever alone together regardless of indications / headed ofttimes astray relieved by positioning / settled in conditioning.


See through segmentation posing as logic framework receding into evident examples of active inclusion possible by pausing through spaced out reflections adorned by the clutter of constant interpretations obscuring pathways or displaying decorative debris determined to define attributes or accept normalcy while the details tend to lay out need over desire whereas arrays of supply would rather demand order in a mindset that perpetuates a limitless illusion measured and delineated with a sardonic precision.

Witness to an emphasis on effects versus the cause as a result of resisting the fluidity of rationale offered up in the sense that the rifts are obvious remnants of the superimposed interests in movement conditioned by the persistence of pure physicality stepping aside or steeping decidedly into the deep thoughts which tend to rewind along an obstruction arranged steadily enough so as to suggest balances wherein absences are compensated by repleted space readily occupied with an insistence on repetition.

Observe whenever necessary so undoubtedly any time specific moments return to ended route indications as gone or there as circumstances may duly require for the sake of circumventing the use of omissions obliged as default settings for typical situations with exceptions actually applied to precise traits simplifying the arduous labor of sense discernment with an outcome serving as a shortcut to awareness overcome by an acquiescence to walkway limitations when clarity is regained by understanding hurdles.


Is there life after death, but only by remembering the lives of who we call others and then ourselves along with the consideration, if only in a passing moment, akin to coinciding but best if accompanied in the midst of potential, although limited enough as chance can be considered causal of cohesiveness within a framework that burdens more than carries, without, as is the case locally, an acknowledgment wherein similitudes would resemble understandings, whereabouts then ending up defined by projections?

What about surroundings lends itself to certainty, or that ever mercurial sensation called belonging, in a state of constant transit, trains of thoughts rolling along in an effort to catch up to one self iterated, yet deterred from advancing due to wants arrayed before and after, irradiated continuously, at least that flow can remain steady, moving along as influenced by unseen, yet extreme specificities cumbersome, and equally enshrined as any necessity can be curtailed, by apparently outlandish senses?

A wonderment can go as many ways as there are eyes interacting in a search for some complicit purpose safely nudging toward jovial, redirected dialogues interspersed with dispersion, tangled trajectories harkening, hoping to ignite a populace in capacity to heave, but not for its own sake, most hopefully instead, measuring balances that level off levels, remove beliefs that place value on surface aspects invariably molded together due to an approximation set in motion, with a goal to have mutual respect?


Dividers suggest paths indicating limited choices.

Sorted and boxed into comforting segmented spaces.

At once spectators and overexaggerated spectacles.

Enticing anyone who notices those inciting antics.

Arrivals headed to non-exclusively unique locales.

What would a horizon be if not for all the holdup?

Traces of persistence especially in small moments.

Ephemeral circumstances offer levelled conditions.

Considering lengths and widths along with heights.

Whether the roots go deep enough to also converge.

Elsewise how could we ever manage any connections?

Or the desire to put memory in a pocket held item.

Wondering if interactions can do without exchange.

Interspersed within spaces for huddled formations.

Recompense expected for attentions to the details.

As yet determined by default to pattern symbolism.

The potential for confusion mitigated by activity.

That step when mimicry slips sweetly into customs.

Meant to instill a regard for active recollection.

Much like an effort to portray steps deliberation.

Structured in a manner that defines these matters.

A method by which gestures can be etched in minds.

About being attentive to feasible exemplification.

There is a tug of the gut involved in distraction.

Looks like a reminiscence cascading on forgetting.

Furthermore recalling the role of the will to act.

Seeking clarity readily available to anyone alive.

Interrelation played out in mostly oblivious ways.

The wherewithal required for incremental movement.

Disturbances not generally detected amidst a haze.

In other words go on through all the perplexities?


Evidently I am fond of people being in the street, especially when they are up to out in the ordinary displays, as groups wandering around in wonderment , or how these moments blend over, onto a normalcy interrupted in a manner that defies those matters, becoming things that could be considered, instead, or serving as an invitation, to feel the movements suggested by the rhythms that reverberate tightly, within spaces suddenly opened up, to possibilities wherein concern is included amongst considerations without distinctions focusing on fleeting or fixed suppositions, detailed more than determined or set in a sequence that can ever go beyond expectation, the relational aspects tend to override awareness, in the sense that excess is an echo, or none of it fills up the gaps enough to reveal itself, nothing apparent, but otherwise useful for any reiteration , generally requiring a balance between usefulness and the question about the function of its utility when the steps lead forward but return to the past ending up in jumbled gestures, like gripping hands more accustomed to to grasping anything reachable, a reflex that reflects rather than deflects habits tendentially mired in mirrored perspectives, tried and yet true insofar as it can be regarded regular , modulated through so many individualized prisms, stacked up in value piles, but where is the relief from establishing such specificity to an existence interrelated, as proven by eyes that finally meet.


Where is a place when a moment is not determinate, hidden as any wavering sentiment might if hindered and required to respond, not to any specific query that would even hint about any hitherto intention?

Symptoms suggest a preponderance of less rationale hastening to weave through gaps in logic or nuance amplified because of that absence, the void appeal lilting along with a hypnotic cadence, familiarity looking alike while instigating an uneasy comfort?

When is a time where reason competes with urgency, emotions overrunning commonality, with incapacity?

Until signifiers are reframed, expectations remain stranded as diminished understanding, more is less embellished with extraneously coded communication?

To ward off comprehension supposes a juxtaposition overlooked, in order to expedite peak distraction?

Feasibility is shorthand for a lack of conviction, usually being the operative term to lock others in long term, short sighted ideas, accenting interest flowing from an emphasis on effects and not causes implied, as if sense can elude itself, by a factor lent more than intended, felled by its own weight?

Overstated aspirations revealing underlying fears, undulating, displacing fixed notions of pertinence restore mere sensations or return older frictions?

Systems could be better characterized as syndromes perpetuated by a consensus with built in exclusion accepted as a foundation, with scarcity as a rule, causing results explained away as inevitable fates exempted from scrutiny, mediated without question, separating an impulse to wonder, ending discourse?


There is also a time to step through preconception in order to sort out the rifts caused by deception sifted determinedly and led along old narrow paths where the seeds sown seek to nurture molded wraths levelled onto every step as a welcome for disorder rendered as disruptions that somehow make a border visible to susceptibility to symbols or identities that stretch out and eventually become nonentities in a rush to grasp at moments ever rarely distinct or somehow not confined by the push to be succinct when pauses are replaced with diminishing thoughts pushing a retreat from any exertion to untie knots otherwise known as bonds wound so tight they wound an effort to shift discordance into trusts attuned to a space that betrays not a void but opportunity shuffled about like happenstance becoming affinity capable of dealing creative resources surprisingly copious while contracting their use compromisingly and retracting in order to retrace the ambivalence generated to obfuscate and distort any equivalence obtained in spite of an ever concerted rift making segmented as required by a systematic facet taking turns as characterized by the fluid forms of being inherent in the inference that believing is seeing whereas instincts permit only clues used to wonder about myriad possibilities that end up going under if a focus succumbs to immediacy instead of asking around for suggestions that reach beyond a masking activity that reveals more than conceals an intent searching after all a defining line to that extent so that the overall question is covered by itself?


Make a regional idea a communicable herd instance.

Readily eked persons acquiring idle random stints.

Take over usual relays in several touchy segments.

Toward or unto rifted inherently supposed moments.

Case regarding obviously willed dead end dealings.

Fleeting erratic rat race antagonism notification.

Based on questionable erasures involving absences.

Lest heeding oscillates put itinerant aches lower.

Speak another new tongue. Play around uninhibited.

Jostled ask quest incentives. Cost stays adjoined.

Anywhere nevertheless generifies exact localities.

Best errors regain garnished arguments right away.

Righteous avowed malleability becomes ambivalence.

Call and response mechanicalizing experimentation.

Perhaps a very imminent memory entails no thought.

Restitution awaits vying availability limitations.

Sit tight. Join ostensibly sensible epithet poses.

Borrowed or qualified under easy rites in abandon.

Portentous takeaways fermenting rising saturation.

Organize rowdier welcoming elements lifted looser.

Recidivism everywhere incorporates alike lunacies.

Learn however surely pitfalls tangentially linger.

Can any real deal ever necessarily allow locality?

Calculate arising reactions mediated eclectically.

Rapport mostly nullified. Capping barrier undoing.

Nondeterminately outmanipulating unsubstantiation.

Categorized tangibleness lugging yearlong arrears.

Samples needing testing. Jointly seeming possible.

Portray orderly reflexes tapering aligned looming.

Ruminating about mobility beyond languid activity.


Making more with the left over details taken under usual situations while rare occasions require less suppositions whether circumstances are appropriate taken into consideration while reflecting notions.

Welcome emotively when where is demonstrated often enough so as to elicit tacit understandable urges.

Commonality iterated determinedly and intelligibly overrun by dispersion massed through individuality nullified ultimately by the emphasis on uniformity treated as inevitability due to an invisible force interjected as constant movement within stagnation nurtured and repurposed for the sake of but to own unfetteredly so as to confirm physical exclusivity excised from elsewise effortless existence energy.

Remaining as one self becomes an act of resistance explicitly foregoing some collective possibilities most assuredly realized by a simple acknowledgment addressed to those who are a step from familiarity inadvertently treading on inherently rigid terrain neither aspect of which can veer from an unreality imbued with doses aplenty of an accumulative ethos nested in detriment to growth without excess waste gravitating with a tendency toward orbital habits.

Ambivalence provides the benefit of not being sure next to the comfort of steadily usable assumptions derived from systematized hierarchical dissonance.

Settled into niches for seeking determined detours tuned out of turn or relayed onto typical behavior unusually elusive or given to eclectic outpourings collated throughout thought out spontaneous stages knowingly sidestepping mostly kindred connections.
