Dividers suggest paths indicating limited choices.

Sorted and boxed into comforting segmented spaces.

At once spectators and overexaggerated spectacles.

Enticing anyone who notices those inciting antics.

Arrivals headed to non-exclusively unique locales.

What would a horizon be if not for all the holdup?

Traces of persistence especially in small moments.

Ephemeral circumstances offer levelled conditions.

Considering lengths and widths along with heights.

Whether the roots go deep enough to also converge.

Elsewise how could we ever manage any connections?

Or the desire to put memory in a pocket held item.

Wondering if interactions can do without exchange.

Interspersed within spaces for huddled formations.

Recompense expected for attentions to the details.

As yet determined by default to pattern symbolism.

The potential for confusion mitigated by activity.

That step when mimicry slips sweetly into customs.

Meant to instill a regard for active recollection.

Much like an effort to portray steps deliberation.

Structured in a manner that defines these matters.

A method by which gestures can be etched in minds.

About being attentive to feasible exemplification.

There is a tug of the gut involved in distraction.

Looks like a reminiscence cascading on forgetting.

Furthermore recalling the role of the will to act.

Seeking clarity readily available to anyone alive.

Interrelation played out in mostly oblivious ways.

The wherewithal required for incremental movement.

Disturbances not generally detected amidst a haze.

In other words go on through all the perplexities?
