Evidently I am fond of people being in the street, especially when they are up to out in the ordinary displays, as groups wandering around in wonderment , or how these moments blend over, onto a normalcy interrupted in a manner that defies those matters, becoming things that could be considered, instead, or serving as an invitation, to feel the movements suggested by the rhythms that reverberate tightly, within spaces suddenly opened up, to possibilities wherein concern is included amongst considerations without distinctions focusing on fleeting or fixed suppositions, detailed more than determined or set in a sequence that can ever go beyond expectation, the relational aspects tend to override awareness, in the sense that excess is an echo, or none of it fills up the gaps enough to reveal itself, nothing apparent, but otherwise useful for any reiteration , generally requiring a balance between usefulness and the question about the function of its utility when the steps lead forward but return to the past ending up in jumbled gestures, like gripping hands more accustomed to to grasping anything reachable, a reflex that reflects rather than deflects habits tendentially mired in mirrored perspectives, tried and yet true insofar as it can be regarded regular , modulated through so many individualized prisms, stacked up in value piles, but where is the relief from establishing such specificity to an existence interrelated, as proven by eyes that finally meet.
