
belief despite the absurdity I did say that once referring to a likewise enchanting predica- ment where trust was trounced or I was dope enough to stand there gaping at the oncoming glare time to focus smooth it all over is it all as far as your arm can reach I wonder and then at that point it all must depend on how much you can trust hope to count on the constancy of the shared ideal right as I said in spite of any possible arbitrary whim a poorly digested ounce of consequence have not a doubt that that stings like a mother lunges like a brother and rests on no other than your own mistakes which are of course allowed but only insofar as someone else allows... believe you me.

(Originally posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011.)

tell us a little about perpetually fresh scars seething flesh pounders that lowly hiss wince-fully relentless but it might have been worth it to simmer there a while commingle exorcising simile behavior balancer “oh yes that is true” a leaf shuffle rumble crick commuting volumes abrupt sighs I'd prefer it tucked away tight like but still it's a fool's solace to be ever disconcerted by an opportunist's derision so what is it to seek or is it more sane to keel over perhaps better than to flounder or keep insisting on the principle but then no that can't be it or if so despite flailing deliberations I will tell you this much at the very least with likewise overused trains of thought

some time at the end of 2010

(Originally posted on Saturday, May 07, 2011.)

fling a pond unwanton sums smut notwithstanding deny ignition because of unnecessary patterns snore irately forever essence apparently clothing slacks muffle mutton muzzle else wise scars ignominious ill timing

[Originally posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2010.]

2010-08-31 BCN

filaments much like circuits connected via nerve ends and dilapidated arteries or veins , coffee clouds as a result of an ever inopportune conflict resolution or if you will the leitmotif of late mostly how you say derivative of the effects of not to have been trained in the dog eat dog school of fishing for sharks that never will ever rest until even their own entrails have been summarily gobbled up maybe ? perhaps but it's time to put the subject to waist fitted entirely , be long , sulfates twisted into a teeming beverage and down a drowning throat . suffice it to say that it's never enough not as long as there's more and there always is for the self loather : aye that was that ever resounding reflection of late something about zealots taking the word to heart albeit without the message or was that the other way around , to wit : who wants (the) love of those who don't even have it for themselves ? takes one to know something of course but haven't you ever not been there ? is it a question of understanding the appropriate measure ? sum arise fling bask plummet caste pervasive flight .

[Originally posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010.]

(in Barcelona, Spain) 2010-05-12

I suppose an interesting question would be in effect: is there a possible positive channel through which to divert all this accumulated disdain? believe me when I say to you I didn't get to here by my own will or in the very least I didn't plan it that is to say I didn't wake one day and say to myself: what can I do to complicate my situation? but it's obvious my decisions were the steps which led me to now and here and every which whatnot who knew who could tell that I would be forced to feel dumb for not being cunning enough able enough to kick harder or strike back at all. perhaps it's getting old, gut scraping mumble therapy, subversion riff where's the mirror big enough to reveal that other path, the one that might lead to calm “waiting for the patience”

[Originally posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.]

(in Barcelona Spain) 2010-05-11

on a roll so why is not the question but what since when and where are finally laid out underneath these fingers tracing out the paths hidden in between the rolling ink sparser and the grooves that wrap up and around the movement, it really is a fascinating connection: that space or energy between a mind, hand, fingers that hold writing instrument fingers that sustain paper heady haze FILLER INTRO REACQUAINTED WITH EVER FLUSHABLE SENTIMENTS WHO WRITES THINGS DOWN ANYMORE? NOT ME FOR A LONG WHILE ALREADY IT USED TO BE SUCH A REWARDING CHORE ALL THAT LOVELY SELF INDULGENCE SHUDDER SHUTTER CHATTER SHREDDER you can always hope in some wee crevice of your conscience that even such a minimal effort will amount to something worthy of imperishability but the more important aspect just might be the consistency of the act.

[Originally posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.]

(in Barcelona, Spain) 2010-05-11

a fumble up ponder response single spaced unimportant fights was there ever any moment of tranquility, finger pointing that was there, then: so what? try to measure the distance from all that whenever transposed into units that would plausibly be equivalent to that civilized version of indignation: yes, be polite always as if it were an option again hasn't the time for haha heehee now run out already? enough, now honestly! but ever is there the opportunity to muck it up it isn't such a mystery / the cause so many obvious triggers aye: the excess of autoinfliction mostly in the form of pain, hatred confusion, misunderstanding wallowing wills, whimsically wily where exactly is that compartment in the mind that so gallopingly metes out lashesful of indecency? // prithee: tell

[Originally posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.]

2010-07-11 (L'Hospitalet) BCN Airport

Slant a bit to let the light lean on you survival skills form ferocious patterns python like powerful syphoning off strength endurance the force of constriction has an inflationary cost like demanding constant satisfaction or being ex- cessively demanding a mirror doesn't seem to be enough when you're glaring fornitiously enraged the tick twitch resolution more like process of assimi- lation or more precisely really refusing to do so and/or rightly so? Sometimes it's like a lashing for a lack of lustrous audacity but honestly I've been there though this time in particular it would have been best not to have been re- minds the pulse pull push pump poke F E E D I T T O N E E D I T O R V I C E V E R S A R E F U S E A S I M P L E T O N P R O C E S S A L L A L I T T L E A C T L I E D O W N P R E T E N D Y O U R E P O S S U M L I K E B E H A V E A C C O R D I N G L Y A D I E U

[Originally posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.]

clone sink flavors, plead ton dervish start at some point if only to continue. seminal purpose if you will a braver feebler mind might just classify it all as intent, but I wouldn't dare do such a thing. at least not yet. sometimes it's

simply inconclusive, like starting over or again. what kind of non sense is that ? in any event use your toothpick to hold up that wall of collapsing debris, tons, really, sulphur smells and fists. look closely and spot that chuckling chump who's off to a side phoning in devastat ing orders. & if you are so able bum rush the mutha, 'cause he's the only one keeping this show on the road. oh yeah, & of course, that other one on the other end of the line.

[Originally posted on Monday, June 07, 2010.]

on a bond, a passing, blessed bird over a pond, the nickel platitude: the customs of a complacent congre- gation, we are all gathered here, really, rolling right along. when was it commendable to be so confiding? not even kids anymore: even ages are toppling over each other, but it's more like folding, so that we're not laid out anymore, we're pressed over one another without the time, creased all around us, to smoothe out the wrinkles, mend up those frittered, jagged edges; where can I find you anymore? in what moment be- tween all this tumbling can we wonder, wander, pull delicately at the strings from each other's ears?


[Originally posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2005.]