2010-08-31 BCN
filaments much like circuits connected via nerve ends and dilapidated arteries or veins , coffee clouds as a result of an ever inopportune conflict resolution or if you will the leitmotif of late mostly how you say derivative of the effects of not to have been trained in the dog eat dog school of fishing for sharks that never will ever rest until even their own entrails have been summarily gobbled up maybe ? perhaps but it's time to put the subject to waist fitted entirely , be long , sulfates twisted into a teeming beverage and down a drowning throat . suffice it to say that it's never enough not as long as there's more and there always is for the self loather : aye that was that ever resounding reflection of late something about zealots taking the word to heart albeit without the message or was that the other way around , to wit : who wants (the) love of those who don't even have it for themselves ? takes one to know something of course but haven't you ever not been there ? is it a question of understanding the appropriate measure ? sum arise fling bask plummet caste pervasive flight .
[Originally posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010.]