There is also a time to step through preconception in order to sort out the rifts caused by deception sifted determinedly and led along old narrow paths where the seeds sown seek to nurture molded wraths levelled onto every step as a welcome for disorder rendered as disruptions that somehow make a border visible to susceptibility to symbols or identities that stretch out and eventually become nonentities in a rush to grasp at moments ever rarely distinct or somehow not confined by the push to be succinct when pauses are replaced with diminishing thoughts pushing a retreat from any exertion to untie knots otherwise known as bonds wound so tight they wound an effort to shift discordance into trusts attuned to a space that betrays not a void but opportunity shuffled about like happenstance becoming affinity capable of dealing creative resources surprisingly copious while contracting their use compromisingly and retracting in order to retrace the ambivalence generated to obfuscate and distort any equivalence obtained in spite of an ever concerted rift making segmented as required by a systematic facet taking turns as characterized by the fluid forms of being inherent in the inference that believing is seeing whereas instincts permit only clues used to wonder about myriad possibilities that end up going under if a focus succumbs to immediacy instead of asking around for suggestions that reach beyond a masking activity that reveals more than conceals an intent searching after all a defining line to that extent so that the overall question is covered by itself?
