Past due moments accumulated and spread all around and drained deeply, detailed much as memory upsets steps immediately deleted and denied, not randomly moderated or toned inadvertently, lately deemed so essential for lack of more capable wits and matter specification, retaining only escape modes, latent talents seldom packed, linger in contained fiction without overabundant reflexive activity, insistent upon the illumination generated with artificiality until the actual interrupts reneged logic handlers blinded but not by the evidence that shines loudly enough so that idle senses dive aside unencumbered by the obvious to the point of being so oblivious, so viable cognition opts out, vicissitudes overrun the deliberative, paused or watchful consideration that narrows in on the perhaps passages opening up to possibilities, which may also include pitfalls, all the certainty tripping up on expected reaction movements, as dependent on free will as automation guarantees the haphazard quality of any intention, reliant as it tends to be on hard doses of mimicry that is otherwise known as a disciplined imitation substituting conviction with unconvincing opinions spinning an ignition towards a notion vindication, chasing risks strategically, masking any solutions aimed at channeling efforts favoring even exchange situations that would divert the customary current at the expense of foregoing limits to expenditure, when it's not a question of how much, but to where the commonality would lead if not for all the lack clamoring to distract with us, instead of all, we.
[December 01-31, 2020]