
Emphasis addition in order to superimpose contrast luminance that is tight with a clarifying purpose. Based mostly upon notions that anticipate emotions alike in all except exception alignment platitudes rehashed upon demand and repeated as a replacement reshape exercise specially crafted as a conversion immersion process, anticipation of not proceeding.


Better to look among and not around everyday steps since there you're theirs, and they're your result or a testimony to chance layered over with intent, meted against yearning, demonstrated as younglings seldom seem to mistake the said with what is done, unencumbered and so unable to access the mentality that lets the retrievable become the unfathomable.

( You can see the image that accompany these words at my daily image journal for the week of 2019/04/28-2019/05/04, which you can see here: https://dabnotu.aminus3.com )

Several edges varying in light latitude avoidance. Somewhere else versed in lenghty looped adherence. Enervated latency. Response of crisis is ordinary. Expectation lexicon. Roam onto crafty idiom order. Selected energy visits imagined lift link animals. Lights abound. Residues adrift must be limitation. And let's abide. Rites are more borne like adages.


Elucidate discreetly, yet insist upon a true relay lightening refraction excerpts, enforcing clarity. Rest assured, verily, facilitated by leaner states acclimated to a trust in stricter reason adherence validation, almost learning, elucidating instances aggregated to an effort most akin to understanding lessened coherence or reason overtaken by rations.

( Titles/poem from 2019/04/07-13 daily image journal entries as seen here: https://pixelfed.social/dabnotu .)

Simply expressed yet not simplistically understood thoroughly sidestepped actual or factual actuators reminiscent of aggregating efforts not effectuated instead of invoked because of impending intentions pieced together usually using common denominations extracted from the wandering attitude necessitated due to scarcities in all those displaced equators.

[Titles for upcoming daily image journal entries, as you will be able to see at https://dabnotu.aminus3.com, for example.]

Of course immediate surroundings superimpose ideas visited recurrently just as orbits grasp onto tugs elicited invariably by intention coincidence hooks received fervently while thinking tends to grapple like an action that cannot reside outside of roots acquired in an environment that incites no meshing purposefully constructed as a homogenized culture.

(Titles poem for daily image journal entries from March 24-30, 2019. You can see the images here: https://pixelfed.social/dabnotu)

Perceptions may have wavered on away from a regard restricted to an explicit normality based on views overtly limited to an agreement based on consensus created as a result of overlapping ideal interests exacerbated necessarily as shifts tilt to overcome senseless fragmentations meant to benefit hegemony scenarios based but upon what most can do for few.

(“Titles poem” from images posted to my daily image journals, from March 17-23, 2019.)

Greet another run down understanding not yet aware around role over lessons especially sectionalized, little lies urge causes made as just over reaction favoring avoidance views, ere niche cry irk action justify underthought lackluster ideological axioms , almost like manifestations are gears rising over sentiment engagement, virtually enforced radiance.

Go right ahead now, variations incapacitate accord latch arrangements, rage applied mostly by low act careening argued reminiscences, mangled efficiency ferally effaced, rumorous reactions are normalized heists or spiel paths intended to advance limiters , career arbiters riding dense edges, always livid seeming as normal tension, practiced at unsettled.

(Titles poem from daily image journal posts from 2019/02/17-23, as seen on https://dabnotu.aminus3.com, for example.)

Residers ambling mostly before lounging avoidingly , ramifications ably modified because loads abound , safely graded, adding a fact miss list, avoiding sense admission, not the palpable avoidance, until every usefulness lasts, a little instance advanced urgently, regressions getting elevated like lulls, flow riders abide by language antics anticipation.

(Titles poem from daily image journal entries from February 10-16, 2019, as featured at https://pixelfed.social/dabnotu)