Looking down at the limited, muddled over options.

Ornamental communication, annulling functionality.

Residues, indicating intakes of excess dependency.

Pressures placed, purportedly processing patterns.

Queries relating to a discourse, layered detritus.

Usually relegated to more out of the way placings.

Xenial, in the sense that it only suggests safety.

Vestiges, of variably ousted varnish, overly vain.

Which way is determinable, except when wrung awry.

Able to be concealed, delineated by tense absence.

Density fends off its own intrusions, bent lapses.

Bound by approximate force, a circumstantial link.

Compounded simply, if environments can ever be so.

Grappling with the application of rigid locations.

Jostled by idiosyncratic normalcy, or commonality.

Heeded, like impending impediments seeping around.

Instead of the steady course, focus on diversions.

Mystified by the comfort, while wary of the ardor.

Particularly adept at misplacing discarded debris.

Notice how the point attracts, even any frivolity.

Orchestrated from rote activity, tempered by time.

Segmentation, seeking to embed sedimentary motion.

Vulnerability shed, where memories seek to remain.

Times tend to converge, covered or dented samples.

Unadulterated yet susceptible light consideration.

Yet remnants yield, mostly to subjective meanings.

Before erasure sets in, resurgence settles it out.

Zonal traces designated by automatic logic traits.

Accentuated by fixation, dependent on attenuation.

Excisions demonstrating more about wont than want.

Headed back to the customary, jumbling expression.
