Leverage applied as kindness results in an average exemption from equity as opposed to just consensus taken as a given as a thought is taught to be taut too indebted to the traces that signal fixed paths imbued with the weight of a reliance on yesterdays necessarily reeling in instead of peeling the past gathered when it would rather give way to an else.

Gone is but the outcome of scraping off that layer overrun with a speculation which requires its due.

Meanings are subsequently aspirations so overgrown effectively activating a simulation of disciplines administered as affirmations that never compensate nor attribute qualities other than a harder veneer supplanting civility with accumulated assumptions.

Acquiescence can only be reasonable with an accord crafted with a continuous crease of sinew and bone quantified with an emphasis on mindful interaction usually evaluated excessively on material exchange invariably disregarding the significance of routes rooted out from the lack of fixated determinations incorporated first through custom then due to will necessitating a continuous quest for actualization grown out from a basis that does not build itself.

Temperaments are accordingly shaped and not innate happenstances whose purpose is only ever purported enervated by propagated and reflective intentions.

Meanwhile a must keeps moving in spite of oddities easing onward along its mostly haphazard itinerary annotated at every breath to leave out the restful nudges segmented and later shuffled unrecognizably seemingly so as to spread around any similarities.

[October 01-31, 2020]