Find an answer, do, survive alongside the result. Will it ever render in return no affront to all redemption? Resist it, anyhow, it, that curly implant, salty, crispy, unobtrusive if you smash it up before ingesting. Like any all awk- ward smirks, innocent guffaws, mannered chuckles: a dramatic formality, the one that's bound you to me. I will protest in any case until you talk me back into my seat. Tell me, now, what was that, again? I've followed we blindly as up to this moment because of pain that's not akin to me. A valiant recipient I take it un- resoundingly. Where's my liquor now? Today I joined the sum of that figure, printed. The final rows of mass self-inflicted delirium (a European crowd waiting to see a subtitled Chinese film), reacting mechanically, like an orchestra of planned responses, the button is the action and the reaction doesn't beg for its manifestation, only expects itself, that was the fee, the price of the ticket. I cleared my throat again, to see, but as expected no one gyrated an attentive ear, kept looking on, ahead, persisting in the obvious journey. Tumble onward, then: Behave as it behooves you, summon up an occasional ancestor and decipher the incessant rattling of their buried bones.
[Originally posted on Sunday, February 13, 2005.]