Believing without being where there is, might lead unwary travelers through a series of missed steps, languages intermingled by the effort to understand gestures, the familiarity of unspecific localities acclimated to a dislocation, continuous, steadfast recognition of the kinship in being, even together into regions imagined or recovered, sought comfort accessible through structures, distributed weight.

Founded upon interconnectedness, tugged at corners inhabited by myriad dynamics, tamed with unanimity responding to calls, or purposes simply determined surreptitiously enough, the density of concreation teetered over itself, a permeation becoming solid.

Tacit norms spread out, and generate counterpoints huddled into clusters, mapping out scheduled stops emphasizing disjuncture, in spite of agglomeration necessary to maintain commotions, so disconnected.

Beneath, or beside the intentions are the residual aspects that constitute, that can retain actuality restricted to definitions, designating what is not causally decided, casually deduced by fluctuations ensconced tendentially, forced placement fixations levied on specific segments or situations, domains overloaded, underscored by prioritized temporality nullified by some containers, built for permanence amidst the tugs and turns, external arbitrariness.

Askew is a condition, affecting general sentiments gathered more by the functions, sublimating reason as an opposing endeavor, like stepping over a self in a persistent insistence, reflections as reality nestled in between, resisting inimical conformity.
